Vaginal infections exist in different forms but the most common types include; Bacterial Vaginosis, vaginal Yeast infection, Trichomoniasis. Others however include Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Non Infectious vaginitis, Viral vaginitis. Knowing the exact type of toilet infection you are experiencing may be a bit difficult. This is because the various types of toilet infections may have different symptoms. Vaginitis has many causes and you may have more than one at the same time.
However, the best ways to prevent bacterial vaginosis are not known, but enough is known to show that bacterial vaginosis is associated with having a new sex partner or having multiple sex partners. It is seldom found in women who have never had intercourse. Basic prevention would include using condoms, limiting the number of sex partners, abstaining from douching, and using all the medicine prescribed for the treatment of bacterial vaginosis, even if the symptoms go away.
In most cases, vaginal yeast infections can be easily prevented.
**Keep your vaginal area dry, especially after a shower.
**Wipe from front to rear after using the toilet.
**Switch to loose-fitting cotton underwear.
**Change wet bathing suits after a swim.
**Avoid tight-fitting jeans or pantyhose.
**If pregnant, report the onset of new symptoms to a physician immediately.
**Be careful not to injure yourself around your private area has a break in the skin due to injury will predispose one to infections.
**Try eating more yogurts or kefir because they contain components that can help you prevent this condition.
**A healthy diet can be a good start. This is because the proper amount of nutrients stimulates the growth of beneficial bacteria to get into your body. This should also be backed up with sports and other healthy physical activities.
**Avoid chemical irritants in deodorized tampons. Do not use douches or feminine hygiene products. Regular bathing is usually adequate to cleanse the vagina.
**Do not use perfumes on sex organs
**When on your period, change your tampons, pads, and panty liners often.
**Manage your diabetes by keeping an eye on your blood sugar levels.
**Use antibiotics only when you have to. You don’t need them for conditions like a cold, because they don’t do anything against a virus. If you don't have to, don't take them.
Trichomoniasis can also be prevented. If you are diagnosed with a trichomonal infection, your sex partner should also be checked. He or she may have other sexually transmitted diseases and also may re-infect you if not treated. Safe sex with condoms and counseling about sexually transmitted diseases are in order.
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