All You Need to Know about Dental Bonding

All You Need to Know about Dental Bonding

A cosmetic dental bonding experience can help you with a chipped, cracked, and discolored tooth, and it will give you the confidence to show your new pearly whites.

Dental bonding is a procedure in which your dentist applies a tooth-colored compound resin to one or more of your teeth to repair the damage. It is a cost-effective solution as it is considerably less expensive than other cosmetic dental procedures, including crowns and veneers.

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Dental Bonding

Dental bonding is a method in which a tooth-colored resin material is applied and hardened with a special light, which ultimately bonds the material to the tooth to repair or improve a person's smile. This material is a durable plastic compound that supports and enhances your tooth.

Before starting the procedure, your dentist uses a shade guide to pick a compound resin color that closely fits the color of your natural teeth. Then, your dentist roughens the tooth's exterior and applies a liquid that permits the bonding agent to adhere to the tooth. After this, the dentist will use the composite resin over the previously laid liquid to mold or shape the tooth. At last, the material is hardened with ultraviolet light. If need be, your dentist will further shape the tooth after the resin hardens.

Importance of Dental Bonding

A dental bonding experience can fix a defect or imperfection within a tooth or multiple teeth. Some people benefit from bonding to repair a decayed, cracked, or discolored tooth. Likewise, this procedure can also close small gaps between teeth.

Dental bonding can also increase the size of a tooth. For instance, if you have a shorter tooth than the rest, and you want them all to be the same length, dental bonding can be an excellent option for you.

Usually, dental bonding takes between 30 to 60 minutes. However, some appointments can run longer depending on the extent of the procedure and the teeth that need to be restored.

Risks of Dental Bonding

Dental bonding does not have any significant risks. You should keep in mind that the composite resin your dentist use in this procedure is not as strong as your natural teeth. This material can chip off or separate from the tooth if you do not take proper care after the treatment. However, chipping or breaking does not occur as often with a crown, veneer, or filling.

A bonded dental tooth might chip if you eat ice, chew on pens or pencils, bite your fingernails, or bite down on hard food or candy. Whenever you bite on something hard for an extended period, you are putting your tooth composite at the risk of chipping. Moreover, the resin is not as stain-resistant as other dental materials. You can develop discoloration or yellow teeth if you smoke or drink a lot of coffee. 

Preparation for Dental Bonding

Dental bonding does not require special preparation. But you will need to consult your dentist to see if you are a candidate for this procedure, or you should opt for some other dental treatments. In cases where people have severe tooth damage, dental bonding might not work, and they may need to go for a veneer or crown instead.

Cost of Dental Bonding

The cost of dental bonding experience can vary based on location, the extent of the procedure, and your dentist's expertise. It would be best if you checked with your dental insurance provider before scheduling an appointment because some insurers consider dental bonding a cosmetic procedure and do not cover the cost.

Care for Dental Bonding

Taking proper care of your teeth helps prolong the life of a bonded tooth. Some of the most helpful self-care tips include:

  • Brushing at least twice a day and flossing daily
  • Avoiding hard food and candy
  • Not biting your nails
  • Avoiding coffee, tea, and tobacco for the first two days after the procedure to avoid stains
  • Scheduling regular dental cleanings every six months

See your dentist when you accidentally chip or break the bonding material or if you feel any sharp or rough edges after the compound.

Dental bonding is your best bet if you have discoloration, a chipped tooth, or a gap and you are looking for an inexpensive repair. See your dentist for a consultation. Your dentist will examine and assess whether this procedure is fit for you or not. For more information, you can book an appointment with the best dentist in Lahore through Marham.

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